Relation: Single
Mobile Model: nokia 5530 Mobile Operator: airtel Occupation: Never yet I Like: friendship To find someone similar? Click the tags above!
Is a book better if you speed read it, or if you take your time and get lost in it? Is a song better if you skim through it, or if you take the time to really listen? Is food better if you cram it down your throat, or if you savor every bite and really appreciate the flavor? Is your time spent with a friend or loved one better if you have a rushed meeting interrupted by your emails and text messages, or if you can relax and really focus on the person? Life as a whole is better if you go slowly, Take the time to savor it, Appreciate every moment. That’s the simplest reason to slow down.
Wishing you always... Walls for the wind, A roof for the rain And tea beside the fire. Laughter to cheer you, Those you love near you, And all that your heart may desire...
“May God grant you always... A sunbeam to warm you, a moonbeam to charm you, a sheltering Angel so nothing can harm you. Laughter to cheer you. Faithful friends near you. Whenever you pray, God to hear you.” and a lasting love that will always be with you...