Smile increases value of face, Anger spoils beauty of soul, Faith is force of life, Confidence is companion of success, So keep smiling.
gOOd mOrning ">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/> haVe a sWeet daY
♥You dont need to exert yourself to find the right one♥ ♥You just know it♥ ♥You feel Safe♥ ♥Your other half is out there 'Your Soulmate♥ ♥»→♥๑♥๑♥•♥๏♥๏♥←«♥
T0 g3t s0m3thing, y0u n33d t0 giv3 up s0m3thing. Lif3 is all ab0ut d3ciding what is that s0m3thing y0u want t0 g3t and what is that s0m3thing y0u ar3 r3ady t0 giv3 up.