I'm trying for a long time
That this does not happen
But I got tired
From repetitive words
Repetitive fights
Single life is much better than
Life's full of fight
It is hard
I have no choice
Alone omg. Its so bored... How u living lonely there. Its so hard know....
Actually u hv to fight more... For this..
Ohhh...when u returnd...
Who cares u there... Staying alone...
No, not in hostel
In an apartment near the university
I could not stay there
I'm tired of fighting their
And because they did not listen to my words
and not pay attention to me
That's why I decided to go back
Returnd..y do earlier...
Now in hostel or room?..

I returned to Canada
I could not stay there anymore
I do not know....wy
I'm not afraid of being alone
But now I'm afraid
I do not know!!!!!!!!!111
Thn talk with me.... Y wat happened?...
I have a headache
I do not want to talk
Really dr... So be with me k...
Ok?...wat doing...
Did u think about me?