Playing? How u say this to me...omg i nvr tried like that... Plz plz plz say don't make me cry omg...
How u say this.. Really i can't bear....
Hy Hy Hy Hy Hy
Omg u making me crying..
Hy plz clarify with me nd say k...
Its nt u?..
I know u..i know how u will talk u..omg u i can't bear... Wat happened to u...
I do not want to hear these words
It is ridiculous
You talk like you is ridiculous
Go Go
Looking the other girl
Go play with feelings
You know the good work
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaateeeeeeeeeeeeeeee uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Does not matter
you talk with whooooooooo
I do not care
It is your right
But do not lie
From the time I spoke with a man liar
I'm sorry for myself
I do not like u
I hate you forever
It is not right to talk with someone slinky
Just know that all this time I was wasting my time selfless
Your work is
Playing with the feelings of the girls
Do you enjoy
When u get tired from them
You move on to the other one
You are so bad
She was right.
Should not trust anyone
Hy why u dnt spk with other gal ? Imean u always vst ther page but ...u wait that i die then!
i never imp for my parents never i thnk jus thy waiting for i die then star a life that thy like to have
im so tired tired of evrythng
I wana slp forever
jus pain pain pain
Omg i cant bear it
i knw u wanna slp ok u can go
hy dr dnt ur stmak burn fr me i hate it ok!
bcz i participate in their fight